In 2023, Great Peninsula Conservancy began a partnership with the Nisqually Reach Nature Center to conduct Forage Fish Surveys on several GPC preserves on the Key Peninsula. Terence Lee, Science…
GPC Legacy Member Highlight: Marion Schoenbackler in memory of Janine Dolezel
Marion Schoenbackler (pictured left) joined GPC’s Legacy Society at the end of 2023 by including GPC as a beneficiary of her estate. Her membership is in honor and memory of…
Birding at Point No Point Walk & Talk Recap
This November, participants gathered at Point No Point County Park to go birding with one of GPC’s staff members, Brendan McGarry. Brendan has been birding for thirty years and has…
Fall Land Labs at Grovers Creek Preserve
On several crisp fall mornings this November, eager students trudged through fallen leaves of big leaf maples to identify tree species at Grovers Creek Preserve. Under the towering evergreens of…
Celebrating Orca Recovery and Salmon Conservation
This October Great Peninsula Conservancy celebrated Orca Recovery Day with an Orcas and Salmon Walk & Talk at Curley Creek Tyner Preserve. Curley Creek sees an average of 2,500 fall chum returning…
The Stewardship Team is Hard at Work this Fall
GPC’s stewardship team has been hard at work this fall (as always!). Read on to see how they’ve been working to protect and improve GPC preserves: Marking Boundaries During a…
Salamanders of Grovers Creek Preserve
One of the exciting things about Great Peninsula Conservancy’s environmental education program Land Labs is that our preserves are ideal classrooms! Land Labs regularly visits Grovers Creek Preserve and will…
Conservancy Circle and Legacy Society Luncheon at Sehmel Homestead Park
Great Peninsula Conservancy was excited to host a luncheon to celebrate our Conservancy Circle and Legacy Society members at Semel Homestead Park in Gig Harbor. The afternoon was a great…
Benthic Sampling Walk & Talk Recap
This August Great Peninsula Conservancy hosted a community science event at Curley Creek Tyner Preserve. The Benthic Sampling Walk & Talk provided people with an opportunity to learn how benthic…
Restoration at Martha John Creek Preserve
Great Peninsula Conservancy is working closely with the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe (PGST) to convert two acres of pastureland to riparian habitat at our Martha John Creek Preserve. Because our…