Curley Creek Tyner Preserve
In 2017, Great Peninsula Conservancy protected a beautiful 28-acres of forest that safeguards nearly one-half mile of Curley Creek not far from Port Orchard. Curley Creek is an important salmon stream home to coho, both fall and summer runs of chum, and coastal cutthroat trout. It is also important habitat for two species listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act: steelhead and Chinook salmon.
The Suquamish Tribe has documented the importance of Curley Creek for salmon (estimating 2,500 chum salmon are in the stream each fall), and in 2017 they completed a robust watershed assessment, protection, and restoration plan for the Curley Creek Watershed to guide salmon recovery efforts.
Great Peninsula Conservancy has long prioritized the Curley Creek Watershed for its important salmon streams, and in 2004 protected the 21-acre estuary at the mouth of Curley Creek. This estuary connects Curley Creek to Yukon Harbor and wider Puget Sound, and is important habitat for salmon, ducks, shorebirds, eagles, and many other species of wildlife.
Great Peninsula Conservancy worked to build on its success with the Curley Creek Estuary Preserve by evaluating all the undeveloped land along lower Curley Creek and identifying the highest priority properties for protection.
In 2017, the owner of the highest priority property, Steven Tyner, generously donated his 28 acres to Great Peninsula Conservancy to protect its salmon stream. Funds to assist with the transactional costs of the purchase and future stewardship of the property were provided by Clif Bar Family Foundation, Hugh and Jane Ferguson Foundation, MJ Murdock Charitable Trust and members of Great Peninsula Conservancy.
Great Peninsula Conservancy now protects the land as a nature preserve and hopes to lead tours of the property in the future.
2020 Expansion
In fall of 2020, Great Peninsula Conservancy acquired two parcels, adding 18 acres to the preserve and expanding protection along Curley Creek and Banner Creek. Funding for this project was provided by the Salmon Recovery Funding Board.
Project Partners
Clif Bar Family Foundation
Hugh and Jane Ferguson Foundation
MJ Murdock Charitable Trust
Suquamish Tribe
Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office, Salmon Recovery Funding Board