Hansville Greenway: Connecting Hawk’s Ponds
Property Description:
Starting in late 2022, Great Peninsula Conservancy and the Hansville Greenway Association initiated a community campaign to acquire a beautiful 10-acre parcel on the shores of two ponds to expand the Hansville Greenway. Thanks to dozens of community member donations and matching funds from Kitsap County Conservation Futures, the property closed in December 2023. This undeveloped piece of land spans the upland forest between Upper Hawk’s Pond and Lower Hawk’s Pond. Both northern and southern boundaries connect to existing Hansville Greenway property. The wetland and forest habitats support black bears, beavers, river otter, eagles (pictured above), ospreys, fish, and amphibians.

View the Hansville Greenway Flyover on Google Earth here.
Administration: The property will be owned by Kitsap County, as is most of the Hansville Greenway. Great Peninsula Conservancy assisted with fundraising and will continue to monitor and enforce a conservation easement on the property that provides extra protection of the ponds and shoreline. Future plans include connecting the property to the Greenway trail system and possibly creating wildlife viewing platforms.
